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Tinnitus is a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, which is a common problem that most people experience. Aside from the ringing or buzzing sounds, they may also hear hissing, whistling, or clicking sounds. Usually, this happens when the person is exposed to too much noise or a result of a head injury or ear injury. The noise heard can be continuous or intermittent, either steady or pulsating, and varies on how loud it is. Anyone can experience tinnitus especially after being exposed to loud sounds like for example a concert or after being in an enclosed room where loud music or noises are heard. Although tinnitus is frequently associated with hearing loss, it is not the cause of that hearing loss cause tinnitus. So then, what causes tinnitus? Even as simple as impacted earwax is the most common cause, but there are other health conditions that can lead to tinnitus, namely:
  • Ear and sinus infection
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Brain tumors
  • Age-related hearing loss
  • Ear bone changes or stiffening of the middle ear bones
  • TMJ disorders
  • Head or neck injury
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction
  • In rare cases, blood vessel disorders can also cause tinnitus which is called Pulsatile tinnitus
How can you tell if you have tinnitus? If you feel any or all of the following in your ears, then seek ENT consultation so that appropriate and prompt intervention will be given as this greatly affects the quality of life of an individual:
  • Ringing
  • Buzzing
  • Clicking
  • Hissing
  • Humming
Disregarding signs and symptoms of ear problems can only worsen your condition, so act now before it is too late. If you also know anyone who might be suffering from tinnitus, have them visit their nearest ENT center to have their hearing health checked.

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